


This project sets out to use a PLC to control a lifelike process regardless of if it is a real process or a process being simulated in another device such as another PLC.

In this case we chose to simulate the heating of an industrial temperature controlled room being used in a sensitive process that can not be excessively overheated. The transfer function of the original system has a significant amount of overshoot which is undesirable.



  • Implement a second order process as a difference equation in a PLC with the ability to change this to a higher order transfer function.
  • Implement and tune a PID controller in a second PLC.
  • Create and add realistic noise to the output of the simulated process.
  • Create and add a digitally triggered disturbance to the simulated process.
  • Add a Human Machine Interface (HMI) to the controller PLC with real time outputs and adjustable controller parameters.
  • Create a filter to reduce the noise present on the process output.
  • Create a digital output alarm if the process variable exceeds a predetermined limit.
  • Emergency Shutdown/Stop

Presentation Slides

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